7 Things Should Know Before Buying And Installing LED Strip Lights

LED strip lights are a fantastic way to add ambience and modern style to any space. However, several key factors must be considered before diving into the world of LED lighting. We’ll cover seven essential things before buying and installing LED strip lights.

Understand the Types of LED Strip Lights

LED strip lights come in various types, each suited for different purposes. The most common types include:

  • Single-color LED strips: Ideal for accent lighting.
  • RGB LED strips: They can produce various colours, which are perfect for creating vibrant lighting effects.
  • RGBW LED strips: Include an additional white LED for better white light quality.
  • Tunable white LED strips: Adjust the colour temperature from warm to cool white.

Knowing the type of LED strip lights in NZ can help you narrow your choices and ensure that you select the right product for your specific application.

Measure Your Space

Before purchasing LED strip lights, accurately measure the area where you plan to install them. This ensures you buy the correct length and avoid running out of lights during installation. Use a measuring tape to determine the perimeter of the space, adding a little extra length to account for corners and bends. Proper measurement is crucial for achieving a seamless look.

Consider the Brightness and Color Temperature

Brightness and colour temperature are critical factors in selecting an LED light strip. Brightness is measured in lumens, and you should choose a brightness level based on the intended use of the lights. Opt for higher lumens for task lighting, while ambient lighting can use lower lumens—colour temperature, measured in Kelvins, affelight’s light’s brightness or coolness. Warm white (2700K-3000K) is ideal for cosy settings, while cool white (5000K-6500K) suits workspaces.

Check the Power Supply Requirements

LED strip lights require a compatible power supply to function correctly. The power supply and wattage must match the specifications of the LED strips in NZ. Overloading the power supply can cause overheating and reduce the lifespan of your lights. Calculate the total wattage needed by multiplying the wattage per meter by the total length of the strip. Ensure the power supply can handle at least this amount.

Look for Quality and Durability

Not all LED strip lights are created equal. Quality and durability vary significantly between brands and models. Look for LED strips in NZ with a high-quality build, such as those with strong adhesive backing and a protective silicone coating. These features enhance the longevity and performance of the lights. Additionally, check for warranties and customer reviews to gaproduct’sroduct’s reliability.

Lumens vs. LED Density

Lumens measure the brightness of light as perceived by the human eye. Higher lumen ratings indicate brighter lights. LED density refers to the number of LEDs per meter on the strip. A higher LED density typically translates to a smoother, more even light distribution.

Plan the Installation Process

Planning the installation process can save time and prevent mistakes. Begin by cleaning the surface where the LED strip lights will be mounted to ensure the adhesive sticks properly. Decide on the placement and direction of the strips, considering any obstacles or corners. Use connectors or soldering to join multiple strips if needed. Testing the lights before the final installation can help identify any issues early on.

Explore Control Options

LED strip lights offer various control options to suit your preferences. Basic models may come with simple on/off switches, while advanced strips can be controlled via remote control, smartphone apps, or smart home systems. Dimming capabilities and programmable settings can add convenience and versatility to your lighting setup. Choose control options that match your lifestyle and usage needs.

Waterproofing Considerations

If you plan on installing your LED strip lights outdoors or in a humid environment like a bathroom, ensure they have a proper waterproof rating. Look for an IP rating (Ingress Protection) of at least IP44 for splash-prone areas and IP65 for direct water exposure.


Buying and installing LED strip lights can transform your space with vibrant, customizable lighting. You can make an informed decision by understanding the types of LED light strips, measuring your space, considering the brightness and colour temperature, checking power supply requirements, ensuring quality, planning the installation, and exploring control options. Whether you enhance your home or add functional lighting to a workspace, LED light strips offer a versatile, energy-efficient solution.

Visit Sparky Shop for the best selection of LED strip lights in New Zealand. We provide high-quality LED light strips tailored to your needs, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable lighting experience.

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